Boost Your Brighton Businesses SEO With Get-Found!

It all begins with an idea and eventually, you have a business on your hands for which you need capable, reliable and professional individuals to take care of your SEO and digital marketing  needs. This is where Get-Found  Brighton has your back and can step in to assist you to push your business that little bit further.  Get-Found has been providing SEO services  to businesses all over the UK since 2019 and with our years of experience and skilled staff, we can make your business reach new heights through effective SEO and digital marketing.

Link to what is digital marketing blog

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If you’re interested in SEO for Brighton businesses contact us  today.


Here is how you can plan for your long term success with SEO


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SEO Agency Brighton

Brighton is a city which hosts many events. This is an adding factor to the volume of tourists the city receives each year with around 12 million visitors in 2019. Brighton is home to the UK’s largest pride event while also hosting SEO Brighton, a renowned search marketing conference and series of training courses held in the city to educate professionals about the newest comings in the world of SEO and digital marketing.


Due to the volume of visitors the city receives, it has an ever growing amount of independent businesses such as shops, boutique hotels and award-winning restaurants. SEO is vital to a city such as Brighton so that these business are receiving the exposure they deserve.

This image helps us to describe how an online presence is essential for a growing business.

Our Clients

Contact us now for a free SEO consultation:

Our  SEO Services

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Reach a larger audience, further your brand, and build reputable backlinks through digital PR campaigns.

We Offer PPC

Digital PPC

A perfectly-crafted PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign instantly gets eyes on your brand and your website.

We Do Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Increase your visibility and spread the word of your brand through targeted and memorable Email campaigns

We Offer SEO Optimisation

SEO Optimisation

Reach the top of your potential customers’ search results through search engine optimisation.

We Offer Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Grow your presence on social media, building your brand, and reaching a wider audience.

We Offer Digital PR

Digital PR

Increase your visibility and spread the word of your brand through targeted and memorable digital PR campaigns.

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SEO Services We Offer For Brighton Businesses .

Get -Found provides solutions to your marketing  needs! We give you the digital marketing solutions you require in order to get higher rankings and acquire a  higher rate of traffic to your website through a variety of different search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Our team’s aim is to increase your visibility in SERP’s in order to match your business with those requiring services you offer. We also specialise in Social Media, PPC, digital PR and much more!

Why choose our SEO Brighton Agency

If you are in need of assistance for your website in order to make it stand out from the rest, the team at Get-Found are who you need. We offer the best search engine optimisation for your website in order for you to attract new potential customers. For you to appear on page one of a search engine result page, we use a tried and tested method of SEO. Here are some of our SEO techniques : Keyword Research to boost your site traffic: We look into the keywords needed to boost your website to the top of a SERP. We research your site’s keyword data and locate the most relevant keywords in order to bring your website more organic traffic and a higher ranking through search engine optimisation. Content creation to maintain your sites originality: Through creating original content for your site, we will attract traffic and potential customers by publishing relevant blogs and articles including keywords in relation to products or services your website may supply. A user friendly navigation design to maximise efficiency: Having a website that is easily accessible and navigation friendly is imperative to ensure users can find the services they require with ease. We will keep the site design updated and make sure all buttons and links work efficiently. An aesthetically pleasing website with Multimedia incorporation: Multimedia forms such as infographics, images and videos can all be used in order to make your website more appealing to the eye. They can also be used as an aid to help users better understand the information you have provided. Link to how does SEO work blog
This is an animation that helps us to describe why you need SEO.

INTERESTED? GET IN TOUCH NOW Together, we can look at the best options for you to get SEO in Brighton. Get-Found has all the expertise you need. Give us a call today.

Local SEO Kent

Our Approach

Our main aim is to get you one of the top results on a search engine’s results pages. The higher you rank, the more chances you have of procuring traffic onto your site. It is proven that more than 90% of searchers never visit the second page of search results and according to a study conducted by SEO giant Moz, 71.33% of Google Search traffic only goes to the top 10 search results. Your website is essentially invisible to potential clients and customers if it is not on the first page of search engine results.  The goal of Get-found is to get you on that first page of search results in order to get you found. Besides a team of incredibly skilled SEO specialists, we also have tried, tested and proven techniques to win a search engine’s trust. We will make it our mission to make your site visible and ensure it is on its SEO A-game! We are eager to see your company progress.

Local SEO in Brighton SEO

Local SEO  is important to any business as it effectively enables your company to be discovered by potential customers who may require your services. If your business is appearing at the top of search results after optimisation, this increases your website’s visibility and therefore will draw in customers by directly relating the services you provide with what a searcher is looking for on a search engine related to services or products in Brighton. Search engine optimisation may seem complex to someone who is not familiar with the subject of digital marketing and can often seem daunting. It is a topic that is filled with technical terms that may not be easy to decipher aimed at professionals in the field. This is where Get-Found can step in to assist you in all your SEO needs. Our goal is to optimise your website so that it will rank better for your business. We will create a Strategic SEO plan specifically for your business and explain how we will do this professionals with years of experience have the expertise you require to help your business. We will work with Brighton businesses hand-in-hand to create a specialised plan to make sure your needs are met and ensure that you are seeing results from the service we provide.
5 ways SEO can help your business
5 ways SEO can help your business

Organic SEO For Brighton-Based Businesses

Using Organic SEO aims to fulfil Google’s main aim which is to answer a searchers query. This can be achieved through optimisation so that a website can land on the first page of search results. Keyword research is one of the methods we use. It helps us to find keyword correlations between a search and your website which will allow your business to appear at the top of the search results for that specific keyword. Having organic SEO will allow your business or service to rank higher, above the paid advertisements.  Get-Found also uses other strategies of SEO along keyword research including content creation, multimedia, alt tags on images and user friendly navigation on your website to make it accessible to all users

Contact us today through our SEO Brighton Services for business at Get-Found. Get-Found is eager to get you found!


This image explains how you can build your brand with a successful digital marketing agency

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